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Add a Control/Reagent for an Instrument Type
Add a Control/Reagent for an Instrument Type

This can only be performed by an Administrator User. (Feature Enhancement Release 1.61)

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over a week ago

1 Navigate to and log into the system.

2 Click the Menu Icon.


4 Click "Instruments"

5 Click the "Search" field and enter the name of the Instrument Type you would like.

6 Click on the Instrument Type

7 Click "Edit"

8 Click "Add Controls/Reagents Requirement"

9 Click the "Enter Lot Name" field.

10 Enter the Name of your Control/Reagent

11 If the Control Reagent Requires a Validation Process to be completed before being considered "In Use", Click the "Requires Validation" field. (Moderate Complex Tests).

12 If the Control/Reagent is a "Kit" with multiple items and/or lot numbers, Click the "Is a Kit" field.

13 Click the "Enter Notes" field and enter anything you would like the User to see when creating a new Lot. Example: "Qc every Lot, Shipment, and 30 days."

14 If you selected the "Is a Kit" box, Click "Add a Secondary". If not, skip to step 17.

15 Click the "Name Text" field.

16 Enter the Name of the first item in your Kit. Example: Buffer A. You can also add a Description of each item within the Kit. Example: White Cap Solution used in step 3.

Repeat Steps 14 - 16 for each item within the Kit.

17 Click "Save Lot"

18 Scroll to the bottom on the page and click "Finish" and then Click Yes.

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