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Changes to Database after Go Live
Changes to Database after Go Live

Live Database change of configuration request

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over a week ago

It is our top priority to keep your database configured as it is intended by the employees at your facility designated as LabLogs Administrators. The Administrators have either requested or have personally created specific configurations within the system to meet your organization's needs.

Once your Database is Live, LabLogs will not perform changes within the Live Database without a written request from an Admin User, Project Lead, or the facility Manager. It is ideal the Admin user is also the Admin for the Department for which they are requesting a change.

These requests can be made by emailing with a subject of "Live Change Request".

Please include specific details for the change requested to include:

  • Site

  • Department

  • Instrument

  • Task

  • Frequency

  • Screenshots are always welcomed

These requests will have a completion goal of 24-48 hours from the time of submission. Some requests may involve our IT engineers which may require additional time for completion. The LabLogs Support and Success teams will maintain communication with the requester if any delays are expected.

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