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Add a Logger to a Maintenance Task
Add a Logger to a Maintenance Task

Open Logging, Change, Logger, Completed by, Maintenance Task, Edit

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Note: An Administrator must have Enabled Open Logging for your facility for this feature to be available.

Open Logging allows a user to add a Person’s name and badge ID (optional) as “Completed by”. This is helpful especially in the Point of Care Setting. A Logger does not have a Username, or Password.

Steps to add a Logger to a Maintenance Task:

1. Open the task you wish to complete.

2. Enter results in the data fields (if applicable).

3. Under “Completed by”, select the Logger needed by clicking the blue Select next to their name.

4. If the user isn’t listed, “Select Add new User”.

5. Add the person’s Name and Badge ID (optional).

6. Select “Add User”

7. Select “Mark as Complete"

The task will record the Person’s name ex: John Smith* however, it will still show who was logged in at the time the task was completed.

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