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Edit User's Email Address
Edit User's Email Address

Edit or Change a User Email Address

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Can only be completed by Administrator and *can only be performed after the account has been verified by the user.

Logon as Administrator.

1. Navigate to the "Administration" Module.

2. Click on the "Users" tab.

3. Select a user with an email that you have access to.

4. Select "Edit" next to the users email address.

5. You will be prompted to enter a new email address for the user.

6. Select "Update" after new email is entered.

7. Once the new email address is entered, a confirmation message will be sent to the new email address, along with a verification code and a link.

8. Click on the link, and enter the verification code you received in a separate email. You will be required to change your password as well.

9. The users primary email address has been changed!

*Note: If the user's email address was entered wrong, please rename the user "Delete, Delete" and contact customer support to have the user ID removed from your account. Create the user another account with the correct email address.

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