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Release Notes - - Version 1.50 - 12/8/21
Release Notes - - Version 1.50 - 12/8/21

Release Date Dec 8, 2021

Daniel Summers avatar
Written by Daniel Summers
Updated over a week ago

ELL-946 Documents Linked to Instrument Details Page

New Feature


Documents added in the Administration section are now displayed on the Instrument Page.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as Administrator

  2. Navigate to the Administration section from the Menu

  3. Select Instruments

  4. Select an Instrument Type to add a Document

  5. On the left side under the Instrument Type image, click on Documents

  6. Click on Add File

  7. Select a Document to upload

  8. (Optional) Provide a Description of the File

  9. Click Save

  10. On the right side of the Instruments List, select an Instrument and navigate to the Instrument Page by clicking on View Instrument

  11. On the Instrument page, verify that the file is added by clicking on show files link to expand the list of Documents

  12. Click the Green Arrow to download the File that was added

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Dec 8, 2021

ELL-966 Make All Modals Moveable

New Feature


All modals/popups on the system can now be moved on the page by click and dragging the top of the modal.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as a Standard User

  2. Navigate to the Instruments section from the Menu

  3. On any Instrument Tile listed, click on the “i” icon to reveal the “Change Status” modal.

  4. Click on the top of the modal window and drag around the screen to reposition.

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Dec 8, 2021

ELL-965 Create Rich Text Editor for Notes on Instrument Tasks

New Feature


You can now add rich text features with formatting (bold, italics, lists, etc) to the notes of any Instrument Task.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as Administrator

  2. Navigate to the Administration section from the Menu

  3. Select Instruments

  4. Select an Instrument Type to modify

  5. Next to the Instrument Type name, click on the Edit Link to edit the Instrument Type

  6. Select a Maintenance Task to modify and click Edit

  7. Under Notes, add sample text with formatting

  8. Click Save Task

  9. Click Finish

  10. Click Yes to Confirm Changes

  11. Go back to the Instrument Type and expand the list of Instruments

  12. On the right side of the Instruments List, select an Instrument and navigate to the Instrument Page by clicking on View Instrument

  13. Select the Maintenance Task that was modified and expand it to verify that the formatting was applied to the notes.

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Dec 8, 2021

ELL-895 Instruments > Unscheduled Tab - Group Unscheduled vs Scheduled Tasks

New Feature


On the Instrument Page, tasks are now grouped by Scheduled and Unscheduled.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as a Standard User

  2. Navigate to the Instruments section from the Menu

  3. Click on an Instrument that has both Scheduled and Unscheduled Tasks

  4. Click on the Unscheduled Tab

  5. Verify that the Tasks are grouped

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Dec 8, 2021

ELL-699 Add "Off" indicators for all Calendar Views for days that are scheduled off

New Feature


On the calendars, days off are now indicated with a label of “OFF” for better legibility.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as a Standard User

  2. Navigate to the Instruments section from the Menu

  3. Click on an Instrument that is in a site, department or unit with days off.

  4. Click on the Reports Tab

  5. Verify that the days off are indicated with “OFF” label

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Dec 8, 2021

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