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Release Notes - - Version 1.51 - 3/11/22
Release Notes - - Version 1.51 - 3/11/22

Release Date Mar 11, 2022

Daniel Summers avatar
Written by Daniel Summers
Updated over a week ago

ELL-306 Tagging for Instruments and Tasks

New Feature


You can now Tag Instruments and/or Tasks by adding Tags. Adding a tag from the Administration Section allows the users to search for those tags on different views across the platform.

This is helpful with grouping of tasks to similar categories. Examples: “QC”, “Third Shift”, “Calibration”, “Nursing”, etc

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as Administrator

  2. Navigate to the Administration section from the Menu

  3. Select Instruments

  4. Choose an Instrument to add a Tag

  5. Choose a User to remove Admin Access

  6. Click edit next to the User’s name

  7. Uncheck “Is Admin” checkbox

  8. Click Save

  9. Logon as the User that was changed

  10. Click on the Menu and click on the name under “Logged in as” to go to User Settings

  11. Sites, Departments, and Units selections should be disabled.

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Apr 26, 2022

ELL-878 Instrument Tasks Tab New Layout with Ordering

New Feature


The Instrument Details page now combines all Scheduled and Unscheduled tasks into a single Tab called “All Tasks”.

Additionally, the Tasks can be sorted by one of the following:

  1. Status - Highest Priority Tasks first: Overdue, Due Now, Ready

  2. Default - Listed by the order defined in the Administration Section

  3. Frequency - Listed in the Frequency length: Hours, Days, Months, etc

  4. A-Z - Alphabetical Task Name

Please note that the Administrators can modify the Order of the Tasks from the Admin > Instruments section.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as any User

  2. Navigate to Instruments section from the Menu

  3. Select any Instrument

  4. Verify that the only two tabs are “All Tasks” and “Reports”

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and note that all tasks (both Scheduled and Unscheduled) are listed

  6. Verify that the Sort by Options are available

  7. Sort by “Status” to verify that the sort is listed by highest priority to lowest. “Overdue” will first, then “Due Now”, the “Ready”, then “Up to Date”, then “Unscheduled”

  8. Sort by “Default” to verify that the list is order by the same order that’s defined by the Administration Section

  9. Sort by “Frequency” to verify that the shortest frequency tasks are listed first, then the greatest. For example, Daily, then Weekly, then Monthly, etc.

  10. Sort by A-Z to verify that the tasks are listed Alphabetically

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Apr 26, 2022

ELL-968 Highlight Failure Values

New Feature


When a task with data fields has a value with a failure, the results view now highlights that failure.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as any User

  2. Navigate to Instruments section from the Menu

  3. Select an Instrument that has a maintenance task with data fields (Example: Record a Temperature)

  4. Enter or a Select a value for the Data Field that is not acceptable or out of range

  5. Click Save to Record the Entry

  6. The task will the be labeled as “Failed (needs to be re-run)”

  7. Next to the Last Performed Date and Time, click on “View Details” to see the previous entry

  8. The modal popup will display the details of the last entry

  9. Click on the arrow on the right to expand and show the Data Field values

  10. The Failure will be highlighted in orange

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Apr 26, 2022

LAB-225 Monthly Report PDF Export

Bug Fix


When attempting to export a monthly report, the process would start but a completion would never happen.

Steps to Validate

  1. Logon as any User

  2. Navigate to Reports section

  3. Select any Monthly Report

  4. Click on the Export Data button

  5. A green notification will appear at the bottom of the screen saying "PDF Starting Building..."

  6. Another green notification will appear at the bottom that says "Click Here to Download" when the process is complete

Validated by Electronic Lab Logs on Apr 26, 2022

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