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Add a New Instrument Type
Add a New Instrument Type

May only be completed by an administrator.

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Steps to Add a New Instrument Type:

1. Select "Administration" from the menu

2. Select the "Instruments" tab

3. Select "+ Add Instrument Type"

4. Enter the type of instrument and other information if desired

5. Select "Next"

6. You will then be asked "Would you like to specify Controls/Reagents Requirements?" 

7. If your instrument has any reagents or controls select "+ Add Controls/Reagents Requirement"

8. Enter the Name and information

9. Select "Save Lot" (you will be able to add tasks related to the lot under Maintenance Tasks). See How to Add a Reagent/Control article for further details.

10. Add as many Controls/Reagents as needed

Add Maintenance Tasks for the instrument

1. Select "+ Add Maintenance Task"

2. Fill out the necessary information for the task and select "Save Task". Use the links below for additional help if needed

3. Be sure to select "Finish" when you have added all the tasks for this instrument type

4. After you have added the Instrument Type you need to be sure all filters are clear to be able to see the added Instrument Type.

5. You can now add an Instrument to the Instrument Type and add this instrument to the desired site and department to do this select this link: Add an Instrument to a Bench/Unit

6. After the Instrument has been assigned to the Site/Bench/Unit you may need to give users access to the instrument.

For more information on adding different types of Maintenance Tasks select from the following:

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