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Add a New User

New users may only be added by administrators.

Joann Wilson avatar
Written by Joann Wilson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

New users may only be added by administrators.

Steps to Add a New User:

1. Select “Administration” from the menu

2. Select the “Users” tab

3. Select the “+ Add User” button

4. Enter user information and click Save. (First Name, Last Name, and Email Address are required.) A phone number is required to receive text notifications.

Note: If user will be an Admin click in box beside "Is Admin (√)". If the user will need access to view confidential data, click in the box beside “Can view confidential information (√).

5. Complete the form by (√ ) the sites, departments and units the user needs. Leave anything the user should not have access to unchecked.

6. Under the Notifications heading you can select the Departments the user needs to receive notifications (check as many as necessary). Note: It is not possible to set notifications for a specific Unit (Bench).

7. Under Notifications Settings you can set the needed Frequencies (check as many as necessary). Notifications can be set to be delivered via email, SMS, or both.

8. Select "Save" when complete

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