Bug Fixes
ELL-1342/LAB-1192 - 504 error loading maintenance logs. (Single client issue. Validation not needed.)
ELL-1367/LAB-1422 - Delay loading Instrument with more than 100 tasks. (Single client issue. Validation not needed.)
ELL-1392/LAB-1236, LAB-912, LAB-743, LAB-1188 - Task counter and task list on the dashboard do not match.
Steps for Validation
ELL-1392/LAB-1236, LAB-912, LAB-743, LAB-1188 - Task counter and task list on the dashboard do not match.
Navigate to https://app.lablogs.co/#/dashboard/tasks
Confirm the amount of displayed "Ready" or "Due Now" tasks are the same as the number displayed on the red task counter.
*Release date = the date a version was released into the Production environment. Each Lab Logs environment will display the release date as the date the version was deployed into that environment.